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You try so hard to keep the peace.  You don’t want to “rock the boat” and you desperately want others to like you.  After years of bending over backwards, your nerves are so much on edge that others have called you “too sensitive” or “overly emotional”.  In relationships with family, friends, partners, and coworkers, you feel powerless and plagued with doubt.  Overthinking and spiraling thoughts are your new norm.  But recently, you’re realizing that you’ve been putting other people first for years, so much so that you’ve forgotten to take care of yourself.

That’s where our work together comes in…

  • Are you ready to learn to trust your own voice?
  • Are you ready to shed the message that you have to please others to have happy relationships?
  • Are you ready to stop overthinking?
  • And most importantly, are you ready to begin taking care of yourself, the way you have been taking care of others for years?

…Then individual therapy could be right for you